Fall Wildlife Activity: What Homeowners Should Expect This Season

As temperatures drop and days grow shorter, many types of wildlife become more active around homes and properties. Fall is a time of preparation for animals, and knowing what behaviors to expect can help you stay ahead of potential wildlife issues. Here’s a guide to the common activities of groundhogs, skunks, squirrels, raccoons, beavers, and bats as we head into the colder months.

1. Groundhogs: Preparing for Winter Hibernation

  • Behavior: Groundhogs are busy foraging and gaining weight in the fall to prepare for hibernation, which usually begins in late October or November. They’ll dig new burrows or expand existing ones to provide a safe space for their long winter sleep.

  • Risks: Burrowing can undermine foundations, decks, and patios. Be on the lookout for new mounds of dirt near structures on your property, as this can indicate burrowing activity.

2. Skunks: Seeking Warm Dens

  • Behavior: Skunks don’t fully hibernate, but they do enter a state of reduced activity in colder months. They’ll be looking for secure, sheltered spots like crawl spaces, sheds, and under porches to use as winter dens.

  • Risks: Once settled, skunks can spray if they feel threatened, creating strong odors. Their dens may attract other skunks, leading to larger infestations. Check for gaps or spaces under decks and porches where skunks might nest.

3. Squirrels: Stocking Up and Nesting

  • Behavior: Fall is one of the most active times for squirrels as they gather food to store for winter and build warm nests, often inside attics or chimneys.

  • Risks: Squirrels can chew through roofing, siding, or vent screens to access attics, where they may cause extensive damage by gnawing on insulation, wires, and wood. Keep an eye out for any signs of squirrel activity around your home’s exterior.

4. Raccoons: Finding Safe Shelter

  • Behavior: Raccoons will also be looking for warm dens to wait out the coldest months. Often, they prefer attics, chimneys, and crawl spaces, where they can give birth in early spring.

  • Risks: Raccoons are strong climbers and can pry open soffits or vents to access attics. They’re also known to carry diseases like rabies, so it’s essential to secure entry points around your home.

5. Beavers: Building Dams and Lodges

  • Behavior: Beavers are especially active in fall, constructing dams and lodges to provide a safe, warm space during the winter. Their damming can cause water levels to rise, potentially flooding areas around homes or farms.

  • Risks: Beaver activity can lead to property flooding or tree damage as they cut down trees to build their lodges and dams. If you’re near a water source, keep an eye out for signs of beaver activity, such as gnawed trees or freshly constructed dams.

6. Bats: Roosting for Winter

  • Behavior: Many bats migrate or enter hibernation in the fall, often seeking safe, quiet spaces to roost. Attics, sheds, and barns can be inviting to bats looking for shelter.

  • Risks: Bats in attics pose health risks, as their droppings (guano) can harbor harmful fungal spores. Additionally, bats are protected in many areas, so professional removal and exclusion are essential to prevent re-entry without harming the animals.

Protect Your Home This Fall As wildlife prepares for winter, they’re more likely to seek out the warmth and shelter of homes and properties. Routine inspections and securing entry points around your home can go a long way toward preventing wildlife issues. Contact us at 10-Eleven Nuisance Wildlife Control to schedule a fall inspection and protect your home from seasonal wildlife invasions.


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